A Lost Saiyan - Dragon Ball Super: Broly

There is always something or someone in everybody's lives for whom we are all fighting our battles. Yeah, that's true at least that's what I believe, and no matter who you are, without that one thing, your life is incomplete.

As Obito (Naruto) mentions:

"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
Therefore, I don't know why, but I think individuals showed as villains in movies and even in our real lives, the individuals we think of as a bad person are sometimes good with the worst past, a background that has made them who they are today. Similarly, there are people who don't want to be a bad person but still is, in the eye of the world. These individuals are actually good from the inside, but they are still compelled into fights that they are not intended to fight.

It all began when a strong universe race (called Saiyans) was about to completely destroy. There were 3 kids (Saiyans) from three distinct families growing up in a capsule on that planet scattered around the stars to meet their own fate. One of the Saiyan (Broly) arrived with his father on a strange planet called planet Vampa, where he was forced to train himself for the sake of his father to gain incredible powers. While the other two (Goku & Vegeta) managed to reach Earth and trained to become the most strong heroes on Earth. Now when the time comes, Frieza (a renowned villain of the universe) found Broly and his dad with a similar intention to kill the other two Saiyans.

Dragon Ball Super: Broly is an inspiring action anime which is more than just an apogee of the cinematic return of this beloved show, or the return of the famous Broly's character. It's full of excitement, plain and simple, even if in years you haven't watched the anime.

Since watching the trailer, I had been full of excitement and started desperately waiting for the film to be released. If a film trailer reaches the heart of the viewer, I read somewhere, the film itself will also win the heart of the viewer. So, when the movie came out, it ends up winning the heart of everybody.

Everything right with Dragon Ball Super: Broly

I've been watching Dragon Ball (series) since childhood and I've seen every episode and movie of Dragon Ball (series) but never seen anything like that before. Yes, this film was on such a completely different scale, notably background music and a totally new animation technique, just wow...!!

I don't know about others, but a lot of confusions I had with Saiyan's past have been resolved for me. One thing we all know about anime is the final result of a fight (climax). Still, the thing that makes them more pleasant and excited is how the writer brings the story to its climax that's what makes the audience full of excitement. Likewise, we already knew who will be the winner between Goku & Vegeta vs. Broly's battle, but how the destiny of these three Saiyans clashes with each other forces the viewers to watch this film. Also, another significant reason that made the audience more excited was the fight between Broly vs. Gogeta, as in the history of Dragon Ball (series) never before happened.

The things that will give you goosebumps while watching this movie are the detailed creation of character and the animation throughout the fight scene along with a little background music seasoning that will bring you to a different point of excitement. These sound effects were something unique that Dragon Ball (series) animators had never used before. Moreover, the plot was incredible how Akira Toriyama brought it to an end.

Since this world is a mixture of good and bad, there is no such thing as 100 percent ideal or 100 percent imperfect. I think there are some minor unnoticed factors that dropped the rating of this movie to 80%

Everything wrong with Dragon Ball Super: Broly

I acknowledge the fact that this film was one of the finest movies in the history of Dragon Ball cinematic journey which gave the audience a heavenly crazy and new experience. I still feel like they've been very fast. Since the pace of the movie wasn't really good, after Broly's origin, they kind of fast-forwarded the movie. I think they could have done a little better and put it to a fairly smooth end that might make this movie more interesting. This was the only problem I found in the movie, everything else was great. It will only be understood if you watch the film yourself. I don't want to spoil anyone because spoilers are the worst form of the disease that everyone likes to spread but I don't.


To conclude my review, I would just like to uncover the movie's most amazing part, i.e. the Gogeta vs. Broly fight. The battle was on its peak and full of enthusiasm. Overall, as I mentioned earlier, all credits go to a unique style of animation and background sound effects that gave this film a big hit. Furthermore, I am happy that Mr. Akira Toriyama added a new aspect to a Saiyan’s life, a different look from a completely different angle into the background of Saiyans especially Broly. Moreover, you will be happy to know that Gogeta and Broly are finally became canon characters of Dragon Ball (series). 

Did you know: Toriyama presented a 3 hours script but the movie was shortened to 1 hour 30 mins only to save up the time. But they forgot that they were actually cutting some important and decent elements of the movie.

Goku vs Superman: Strengths and Weakness

A discussion continues for a very long time about two significant characters, the savior of the human race, earth's biggest heroes none other than Goku and Superman. Finally, we're going to end this fight between Goku and Superman, a contest of strength and weaknesses.

We understand we're late, but we're here to tell you a secret nobody's ever told you before. A mystery behind these two world's biggest superpowers. It's time to answer a question that was long awaited. Before we begin, let's talk about their past lives and why they came to this planet.



With the new release of Dragon Ball Super: Broly. Goku, Vegeta and Brolly origin stories take a new turn and describe the backstories of these evergreen characters from a new angle. With the arrival of Dragon Ball Super: Broly, all confusions linked to the past lives of Goku or Vegeta have been corrected. In that movie, at the same moment we saw Goku's mom, Gine, and also his father Burdock. Burdock had a bad feeling about frieza, and he discovered frieza's intention. So, he had only one option for the survival of his son. He wanted to keep the Saiyans race alive, no matter what the circumstances are, he wanted his son to live on. So, he decided to send his son to a planet called Earth. Goku was categorized as a low-level warrior on his planet, which is why Burdock specifically chose Planet Earth where the inhabitants are not stronger than Goku where he was found by an old man named Gohan.


A universal icon, Krypton's lone survivor and DC comics ' most popular personality. A symbol of justice and peace. Superman is a superhuman from a planet known as Krypton. The story begins when Krypton was going through a nuclear chain reaction that would destroy the entire planet, Superman's father Jor-El managed to send his child to Planet Earth to save the life of his son. There he was found by a family of old husband and wife Jonathan and Martha. As Superman grew up, he discovered his past and learn to control his abilities in order to use them in the battle for truth and justice.

Before We Get Started:

Before we actually begin, we need to clarified some important points. This discussion will be based on both Superman and Goku's difference in skill level, not hand-to-hand fighting as shown in Death Battle or any other videos connected to Goku vs Superman. 

One more thing, we're not here to disregard the view of anybody. We are here to present this story from a specific angle by counting down some important elements such as speed, strength, weaknesses etc. between both characters.

Let’s Begin:

There are plenty of different versions of Superman that have been created throughout the history of the Superman franchise since the beginning of DC comics universe. Each version has a broad inconsistency in Superman's capabilities over the years as each version brought distinct Superman skills (enhanced version) even to the point of making a parallel universe, while Goku only has one version with different levels of power.

So, it all depends on which Superman version we're going to choose against Goku. If we're talking about the first version of Superman that appeared in 40s comics then it's going to be difficult to hold on the argument because this version of Superman hardly reaches today's criteria. That's why we're choosing Superman's recent non-canon version that was launched in DC's new 52 series. So, first, we'll compare their strengths and weaknesses, then we'll decide who's the strongest.

Goku’s Strengths and Weakness


Ki Attacks:

Ki Attacks are a form of attacks that created from person's Ki. These include Ki Blast, Kamehameha, Spirit Bomb, and so on. The harm these assaults have caused depends on how much Ki you use to send out this blast/wave.

Ki Blast is every DBZ fighter's most famous hit use during a battle. It is performed by collecting all the energy in your palm center and then releasing it to the opponent. Similarly, when we're talking about Kamehameha and Spirit Bomb, both are Goku's most popular attacks, but Spirit Bomb is used less frequently than Kamehameha because it needs too much Ki to create an enormous Spirit Bomb that has also made it Goku's most strong attack.

Super Strength:

Goku is regarded as the universe's strongest, but I disagree with it. I believe Goku has never learned to say give up, he has always learned from his struggles and evolves as needed. Therefore, the training capacity is the strongest force that a superhero can have. And if we're talking about his physical strength then it's different:

Goku can lift up to 400 tons in his normal form and he can lift up to 20,000 tons in his Super Saiyan form and the list goes on as he continues to grow.
He also has high speed in hand-to-hand combat, i.e. Martial Arts. As he travels very smoothly, as shown in the series, from one point to another. These high-speed movements also enable him to produce an afterimage during battles.

Solar Flare:

Another Goku's skill produces an enormous white colored flash which can be used to blind an opponent as well as for a fast escape. Krillin and other Goku companions can also used this technique.


This was King Kai's very first technique use to grow person's strength that Goku learned. This method follows by generating a red aura around your body that improves your physical strength and movement, i.e. speed. Goku has recently been seen taking the kaioken level up to 10 times higher than usual.


Naturally, Goku has never been able to fly by birth. Goku used to have a Nimbus cloud which helped him in flying, as seen in the Dragon Ball series. But later, using his Ki, he learned to fly in the sky.

Instant Transmission:

Goku's ability in teleportation enables him to teleport in an instant from one point to another. But this method needs a lot of exercise and focus, as if you want to teleport yourself, you have to concentrate on solid source of energy. A method mostly performed by all Dragon Ball Z fighters.

Dragon Fist:

Next on the list we've got Dragon Fist, another powerful skill use by Goku. This method needed much more energy than Spirit Bomb, so Goku was once seen using this technique. Basically, this technique produces a illusion of dragon with one's Ki and either destroys or immediately demolishes the opponent by wrapping around them.


In the last, we left with Goku's healing power. Yes, by providing injured his Ki, Goku can cure any living organism as seen in Dragon Ball Z.



Saiyans ' tail was used to be a big issue back then, as it represents the life of a Saiyan. Whenever they feel some kind of risk, it transforms them into Great Ape. But if somebody pick them up from tail, it makes them weak because it hurts so much and makes them helpless. That's why the tail needs to be removed from the body as a Saiyan gets older.


His next greatest weakness is his Stamina. Yes, as Goku and all other Dragon Ball Z fighters use their Ki to battle an opponent, their stamina is therefore running out very quickly. This is a natural weakness that is why it is impossible to solve it.

Surviving in Space:

There's a conflict over this weakness, some individuals believe a Saiyan can breathe in outer space while others are neglecting it. Yet individuals like us still agree with both parties. Goku and other Saiyan can and can not survive in space. Yes, as seen in movies and some episodes of Dragon Ball Z series, Goku and Burdock are only able to survive in outer space for a brief time. However, if they stay near to the surface of the Planet, this time difference can be increase.

Superman’s Strengths and Weakness


Superhuman Strength:

Superman power is much higher than any other ordinary human being and even majority of the superheroes. Superman is known for his strength yet it is not infinite. Calculating how much weight he can lift on his shoulders can measure his strength. Research shows that Superman can lift on his shoulders about 100 tons of weight.

Furthermore, strength also reflects his speed, his reflexes during a fight and the ability of flight with high speed. In addition, his superhuman breath also reflects his inhalation and exhalation ability with excellent intensity.


Superman is invincible against nearly every kind of harm. His skin is so hard that it is totally resistant to most recognized physical attacks. Superman is not entirely invincible, there are many things that can even cause death or left him injured.


There is a huge difference between earth and krypton gravity, which is why Superman has the benefit of driving himself naturally and indecently at will through the air. He can travel readily from one planet to another at wind speed without any breath deficiency.

Super Vision:

X-Ray Vision and Heat Vision are two of Superman's key features, one of which is the strength to see through concrete objects, while the latter demonstrates a solar beam emitted from Superman's eyes aiming at various objects. The only drawback of x-ray vision is lead when an object composed of lead, because his x-ray vision is useless against lead objects. Likewise, his sight of heat is restricted to one hundred feet almost.

Master Combatant:

Superman is extremely qualified in hand-to-hand combat along with all other skills. Wildcat and Mongul teaches him these enhanced skill in boxing and fighting style. He also fought and learned different combat styles from Wonder Woman and Batman.



Kryptonite, a stone that has the most impact. This is Superman's well-known weakness caused by Krypton's radioactive pieces. This stone, however, only impacts Superman when his body's electromagnetic radiation interacts with the stone that causes interference in the growth process. In addition, continuous exposure to this stone can lead to the death of Superman, but Kryptonite's impact can still be decreased by using lead material.

Red Sun Radiation:

Red Sun is a natural part of Krypton solar system, and its radiation is not as damaging as Kryptonite but still it effects at some instant. They just suck out all the yellow solar energy stored in the cells of Superman and left him powerless like other normal human beings. But Superman can easily revive from this damage if he exposes himself again to Earth’s solar system. Similarly, Superman is also affected by nuclear weapons.


The powers of Superman are natural, you can think of him as a superhuman with super strength. Therefore, like other human beings, spells cast on him impact him on large scale, and his invulnerability does not offer a shield against magic.

Massive Physical Forces:

As we mentioned before, Superman is not completely invulnerable to extreme physical force and he gets injured during fights. But still, if he is badly wounded, his ability to absorb solar energy can help him overcome these weaknesses.


Ultimately, if we conclude each analysis we've accomplished so far, we can see that in some aspects both are almost on the same level. We have Superman on one hand, a strong superhuman whose power depends on the exposure towards solar energy. While on the other hand we have a warrior who gains so much power and abilities through hard work and motivation.

As we have ignored Superman Prime One Million and Goku Ultra-Instinct in this discussion. Therefore, if we considered both in their finest form presented so far, we can see that this fight can go anywhere because none of them will ever give up except one dies. But then again it all comes down to a single reality that both are earth's biggest heroes with a pure heart, so they can never go against each other for blood.

Eiichiro Oda draws Zoro and Luffy in their 40s and 60s

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Every single one piece fan at some stage thought for sure how their favorite characters would look like in their 40s and 60s. Well, the wait is over, Oda shows us how two of the beloved characters of one piece, i.e. Zoro & Luffy would look at 40 years and 60 years.

On June 2018, Oda photographed Luffy characteristics at the time of 40s and 60s when a One Piece fan asked a question about Luffy.
Odacchi, hello! I am a big fan of both Odacchi and Luffy. I have a question today for Odacchi! When he was a kid, Monkey D. Garp’s eyes were the same as Luffy’s, big and round. However, when he became an adult, they became narrow. So what about Luffy’s eyes? Once he turns 20, will his eyes also become like Garp’s?

Garp at different age
Garp at different age time
Oda answered the question:
Since he turns 20 in just one year, I don't believe in such a brief time Luffy will change too much. For those wondering, like the sketches for Ace, "What would Luffy look like at age 40 and age 60?" take a look!
As he goes on, he concludes two possible outcomes that may encounter Luffy or any other character in the future and draw Luffy as he is in his 40s and 60s.

If all works well, Luffy might look like this:
Luffy in 40s and 60s if everything works out fine
Everything works out fine
  1. Age 40: Meat!!
  2. Age 60: Meat!!!
But if in the future something went wrong:
Luffy in 40s and 60s if something went wrong
Something went wrong
  1. Age 40: King of the Pirate? It's like a dream.
  2. Age 60: Oh? Have you brought some pleasant meat?

Yes. Doesn't he look a lot like Garp? In the future, where things might go well. But in a future where there's something going to happen then who knows! All right, it's completed!! Looking forward for the next time!!

Oda answered the request of Captain Nobuo again on December 2018, but this time it was Zoro and again Oda beautifully sketched a thought about Zoro at his 40s and 60s.
I would also like to see Zoro's future at 40 and 60 years old!
In answer to the question, Oda writes:
I believe he'd be something like this if he lives on without any significant problems:
Zoro in 40s and 60s if nothings went wrong in future
Everything works out well
    1. Age 40: Yontoryuu (Four sword style) Zoro
    2. Age 60: Gotoryuu (Five sword style) Zoro
    But if something went wrong in the coming future:

    Zoro in 40s and 60s if something went wrong
    Something went wrong
    1. Age 40: I'm going to quit. Holding that katana in my mouth hurt my back
    2. Age 60: If you're going to give me some cash, I'll dogeza (kneeling down).
    The purpose of these sketches is to demonstrate what could occur to these characters. Oda's drawing develops more curiosity related to one piece climax in heart of fans. We hope that all works well.


    Whether you've just begun your journey in the world of anime or have already watched a lot of anime, there are possibilities that some amazing anime might have slipped through your attention. There are so many anime that they haven't been able to get the attention and promotion they deserve. Whether it's stories or peculiar character development style, many of these series have stories that are hardly ever seen in the globe of anime. We've collected 10 underrated anime that we believe you should all watch. We filtered all the anime known for their stories, style or characters but did not get the audience they deserve.

    The specified list of underrated anime is categories based on the ranking of the anime given by the anime forum called MyAnimelist.

    10. Zankyou no Terror

    SCORE: 8.20
    RANKED: #322

    The term "VON" is nothing but an ordinary phrase expressing "what is left behind." The government was traumatized by a terrorist assault on Japan's nuclear plant. Nobody could comprehend how it all
     happened. The event left everyone clueless–an unusual video goes viral on the web until six months later.

    Zankyou no Terror, a MAPPA studio masterpiece. It tells a story of two teenage brothers who believe that they shouldn't exist in this world, yet they stand high in this environment of dishonesty and surprises and make the town fall at their feet. Plot aside, the soundtrack itself is a masterpiece that speaks to your soul straight. (Source: Zankyou no Terror)

    09. Accel World

    SCORE: 7.51
    RANKED: #1607
    POPULARITY: #105

    Harkuyuki Arita is a middle school student who is overweight, is always bullied, finds relief in playing online games. One day, his life took a tough turn when he finds out that student council vice president Kuroyukihime in an online game exceeded his high scores.

    TFor those who enjoy video games, this anime is for them. You may already understand this, but the same man Kawahara Reki wrote both SOA and Accel World. But both are on distinct levels, however both anime based on the same genre, i.e. Gaming but still this anime is much better than SOA. The way the writer sketched the tale builds your curiosity and makes you wonder "What's going to happen next?" At first, you can scarcely get it through the first episode, but I suggest watching more than one episode before dropping any anime from your list. (Source: Accel World)

    08. Zetsuen no Tempest

    SCORE: 8.11
    RANKED: #427
    POPULARITY: #169

    An ordinary teenager, Yoshino Takigawa, who is in love and secretly dating the daughter of his best friend Mahiro. One day his wife Aika died inexplicably, and Mahiro pursued the suspects responsible for his beloved sister's assassination.

    Zetsuen no Tempest is one of Studio Bones ' greatest anime ever created. The anime's backbone was two plays by Shakespeare, Hamlet and The Tempest. Zetsuen no Tempest is full of suspense, thrill, action, drama, etc.The first half of the anime is all about mind games, while in the second half you will get surprised how things came together and were connected since the beginning. (Source: Zetsuen no Tempest)

    7. Katekyo Hitman Reborn

    SCORE: 8.30
    RANKED: #243
    POPULARITY: #179

    There's nothing so nice about Tsunayoshi Sawada. He's talentless, clumsy, and desperately in love with his classmate Kyouko Sasagawam, a girl that's out of reach. The boring life of Tsuna takes an unexpected turn when he meets the mysterious Reborn, who happens to be an underground hitman but amazingly a child.

    No one enjoys this anime at first glance just because of its slow start. After watching 15 episodes, many just drop it. But the anime is still a masterpiece produced by studios in Artland. This is because at first people think they're just watching another comedy anime, but the real story starts after 20 episodes where they present the primary characters. After 20 episodes everything changes and it took a sharp turn in the story. The fighting scenes are full of insanity and the growth of characters is pleasant to watch. (Source: Katekyo Hitman Reborn)

    6. Ergo Proxy

    SCORE: 7.99
    RANKED: #569
    POPULARITY: #173

    All that remains is one of the earth's last human civilization in Romdo's town. A disastrous incident took place around the globe thousands of years ago that had arched the planet and now life outside these arched is impossible. Now, humanoid-like robots called "AutoReivs" have been developed to assist the individuals of Romdo in their daily life to ease the recovery of humanity.

    In a threatening situation, Ergo Proxy produced by Manglobe studios focuses on the philosophical topics. The anime focuses around cybernetic humans infected with a virus, making them self-conscious. As the story goes on, you will begin to learn how things in this humanoid-robots world are really disturbed. (Source: Ergo Proxy)

    05. 91 Days

    SCORE: 7.88
    RANKED: #723
    POPULARITY: #275

    His parents and younger brother were cruelly killed in the town of Unlegislated by the well-named Mafia. Angelo Lagusa experienced a tragic destiny as a kid residing there that totally changes his life. As he loses all dearly, he leaves everything behind and takes on a fresh character just to take his family's vengeance. He finally received the opportunity to become part of the Vanetti family that murdered his family seven years later.

    91 Days is a Shuka studio action plus drama anime. One of the 2016 class anime worth watching. It feels very strange how mafia is shown as an anime by the author. Completely out of tradition but still winning viewers heart since the beginning. The plot is executed in a totally distinct manner from all the anime you've watched before. (Source: 91 Days)

    04. Kaiji – The Ultimate Survivor

    SCORE: 8.32
    RANKED: #215
    POPULARITY: #546

    Based on the first appearance of Nobuyuki Fukumoto's popular gambling manga series, Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor follows a tale of an unfortunate person who spent his days drinking and stealing until his former friend tricked him. Unable to repay the debts of his friend all by himself, not only the individuals on that cruise ship were compelled to battle an illegal underground gamble but also their psychological mysteries.

    Kaiji – the ultimate survivor developed another thriller anime by Madhouse studios that everybody should try. It's all about pressure, and the way the show proceeds is a significant measure that goes through. When we speak about the art and soundtracks of Kaiji, it makes excellent use of an exceptional and relatively dominant soundtrack to maintain the tense situations of extreme figuration and advance to make it correctly captivating. It also draws you into its dark globe as Kaiji with its visual symbols and storyline reaches its most amazing heights. (Source: Kaiji)

    3. GunGrave

    SCORE: 7.93
    RANKED: #644
    POPULARITY: #750

    Happiness is short-lived in this cruel world, and change is certain. Two friends, Brandon Heat and Harry MacDowell, create a bond that is stronger than siblings who lived a easy and enjoyable life until one day they encountered an unexpected turn in their lives that makes them realize how awful and harsh this world can be.

    Gungrave, an epic tale of friendship and betrayal produced with action and drama by Madhouse studios. This anime is based on a "Gangrave" third-person shooting game. I wonder why individuals never speak about it, some individuals say it was extremely known back in time, but now it's lost in time, though it's still a masterpiece and evergreen anime. Gungrave has such a wonderful tale with a very interesting ending in both dub and sub version. (Source: Gungrave)

    02. Blassreiter

    SCORE: 7.02
    RANKED: #3507
    POPULARITY: #1325

    Blassreiter is a science fiction anime produced by Gonzo studios that revolves around a mystifying event when strange creatures come up from the underground and begin to attack individuals. These creatures ' sight trembles the country. People call this event as a mark of "the arrival of evil presences".

    I'm astonished to see the internet ranking of this anime. I mean, how can you do that? Along with a masterpiece collection of openings and endings, it has excellent character and story development. It begins very evident, and with a little sprinkle of sad moments as the tale advances, the personality chemistry becomes more exciting and complete. I'd say "It's dark and a realistic superhero genre representation". (Source: Blassreiter)

    01. Capeta

    SCORE: 7.89
    RANKED: #707
    POPULARITY: #3372

    Taira Capeta was a kid of 4th grade whose background was not very powerful. When he was young, he lost his mother. He always pretended to be hard in front of his dad, but in fact he was lonely. He always enjoyed go-karts, but he never requested to get one. His dad created a go-kart from junk components when he realizes his interest in go-kart racing. Soon, to drive the kart, they came to a circuit. Capeta realizes that the kart is not in excellent form and it can hardly run straight.

    Capeta is one of Studio Comet's greatest sports anime. It must have been popular at the moment, but nowadays its popularity fades away with the advent of modern anime. It's still worth watching, though. It teaches you that if you want to accomplish something great in life, then economic issues are nothing in front of your goal. (Source: Capeta)