A Lost Saiyan - Dragon Ball Super: Broly

There is always something or someone in everybody's lives for whom we are all fighting our battles. Yeah, that's true at least that's what I believe, and no matter who you are, without that one thing, your life is incomplete.
As Obito (Naruto) mentions:
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
Therefore, I don't know why, but I think individuals showed as villains in movies and even in our real lives, the individuals we think of as a bad person are sometimes good with the worst past, a background that has made them who they are today. Similarly, there are people who don't want to be a bad person but still is, in the eye of the world. These individuals are actually good from the inside, but they are still compelled into fights that they are not intended to fight.
It all began when a strong universe race (called Saiyans) was about to completely destroy. There were 3 kids (Saiyans) from three distinct families growing up in a capsule on that planet scattered around the stars to meet their own fate. One of the Saiyan (Broly) arrived with his father on a strange planet called planet Vampa, where he was forced to train himself for the sake of his father to gain incredible powers. While the other two (Goku & Vegeta) managed to reach Earth and trained to become the most strong heroes on Earth. Now when the time comes, Frieza (a renowned villain of the universe) found Broly and his dad with a similar intention to kill the other two Saiyans.
Dragon Ball Super: Broly is an inspiring action anime which is more than just an apogee of the cinematic return of this beloved show, or the return of the famous Broly's character. It's full of excitement, plain and simple, even if in years you haven't watched the anime.
Since watching the trailer, I had been full of excitement and started desperately waiting for the film to be released. If a film trailer reaches the heart of the viewer, I read somewhere, the film itself will also win the heart of the viewer. So, when the movie came out, it ends up winning the heart of everybody.
Everything right with Dragon Ball Super: Broly
I've been watching Dragon Ball (series) since childhood and I've seen every episode and movie of Dragon Ball (series) but never seen anything like that before. Yes, this film was on such a completely different scale, notably background music and a totally new animation technique, just wow...!!
I don't know about others, but a lot of confusions I had with Saiyan's past have been resolved for me. One thing we all know about anime is the final result of a fight (climax). Still, the thing that makes them more pleasant and excited is how the writer brings the story to its climax that's what makes the audience full of excitement. Likewise, we already knew who will be the winner between Goku & Vegeta vs. Broly's battle, but how the destiny of these three Saiyans clashes with each other forces the viewers to watch this film. Also, another significant reason that made the audience more excited was the fight between Broly vs. Gogeta, as in the history of Dragon Ball (series) never before happened.
The things that will give you goosebumps while watching this movie are the detailed creation of character and the animation throughout the fight scene along with a little background music seasoning that will bring you to a different point of excitement. These sound effects were something unique that Dragon Ball (series) animators had never used before. Moreover, the plot was incredible how Akira Toriyama brought it to an end.
Since this world is a mixture of good and bad, there is no such thing as 100 percent ideal or 100 percent imperfect. I think there are some minor unnoticed factors that dropped the rating of this movie to 80%
Everything wrong with Dragon Ball Super: Broly
I acknowledge the fact that this film was one of the finest movies in the history of Dragon Ball cinematic journey which gave the audience a heavenly crazy and new experience. I still feel like they've been very fast. Since the pace of the movie wasn't really good, after Broly's origin, they kind of fast-forwarded the movie. I think they could have done a little better and put it to a fairly smooth end that might make this movie more interesting. This was the only problem I found in the movie, everything else was great. It will only be understood if you watch the film yourself. I don't want to spoil anyone because spoilers are the worst form of the disease that everyone likes to spread but I don't.
To conclude my review, I would just like to uncover the movie's most amazing part, i.e. the Gogeta vs. Broly fight. The battle was on its peak and full of enthusiasm. Overall, as I mentioned earlier, all credits go to a unique style of animation and background sound effects that gave this film a big hit. Furthermore, I am happy that Mr. Akira Toriyama added a new aspect to a Saiyan’s life, a different look from a completely different angle into the background of Saiyans especially Broly. Moreover, you will be happy to know that Gogeta and Broly are finally became canon characters of Dragon Ball (series).
Did you know: Toriyama presented a 3 hours script but the movie was shortened to 1 hour 30 mins only to save up the time. But they forgot that they were actually cutting some important and decent elements of the movie.