About Us

– Our Mission –
Our one and only mission is to tell you about the things you don’t know about anime.

– About –

Welcome to Otakus Secrets

The idea behind introducing this blog is to reveal the other side of a big picture and exploring the world of anime in depths. What brings us here on this platform of Otakus Secrets is the infinite love and craze for anime. We want to share our thoughts and knowledge that we gathered by watching anime for more than 10 years with all of you. We are 100 percent sure that the things that you will see here, you never noticed anywhere before.

Once again we welcome you all on Otakus Secrets. We are nothing without our readers, so a big thanks to all of you. Stay tuned for more fun stuff.

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– Meet Us –


 Hassnain Raza | Founder

Hassnain Raza | Founder

Syed Jamal | Content Writer

Syed Jamal | Content Writer